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daylightaftertherain · 1 year ago
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seokmashu · 2 years ago
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you come into my house-
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whumpasaurus101 · 2 years ago
ur mom
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 1 year ago
"Kali how did you like the first episodes of shadow?"
When the fecking to be continued dropped, I had to stare angry at nothing for 30 min
So it's a 10/10 can't wait for part 2
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taegularities · 2 years ago
Is cmi jk in love with oc? Yes or no only 🙃
....... yes
ask me any question on anonymous or not, and i can only answer yes or no 💕
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tohrus · 1 year ago
the anger I feel when anyone disrespects Korra now...
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alcinaslittlemaid · 1 year ago
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Naughty Little Lamb~
Pennywise 2017xFem!reader
•Warnings: Smutty smut, degradation, spanking (a lot), angry sex.. and much much more, Mild DD/LG (tiny bit) uses of pet names
(I’m not great at writing buts it’s the red hour 😳🌶️)
Come join the clown~
The hour was very late, you had struggled to get to sleep and Pennywise had gone out hunting. You felt a familiar throbbing in your underwear, by god you were missing him so much, your hand slipped down between your silky thighs and coating your fingers were your own sinuous juices.
You smirked and began pleasuring yourself, grabbing your vibrator imagining penny’s long slippery tongue slurping your insides out, your toes began to curl as you bucked your hips in submission, your mind travelling further, now imagining how smaller tentacles would slither out, gripping your thighs to keep you in place, long slimy tentacles restricting your movement, as his long, hard alien-like tentacle is forcible pushed into your tight hole, the ridges of his length hitting your clit as he completely ruins you.
Trying to get his entire length inside your tight, little cunt, you were getting close, finally going to be rid of your need for him (until tomorrow that is) you were almost riding your vibrator with pleasure
“Dooonnnt youuuu Dareeee~” that taunting voice in your head rang out like a bell you had recognised all too well
“Fuck…” you whined “Watch your mouth little slut” the voice growled, it’s raspy voice grunted in your ear as you slowly peeked up at the darkened side of your room, there…two golden orbs stared back at you, dark red circles rimmed it’s golden stare
“Oh my~ look at the filthy mess you’ve made, you dirty little slut” pennywise barked, stepping towards you “my! Dirty little sewer slut” he grinned before sitting down
“Come” he snapped patting his lap “But you said I couldn’t-“ you attempted a joke, but the state he gave you was stern, cold and deadly
“I said…COME!” He snapped, before dragging you roughly over his knee, your ass now presented to him like his next meal on a silver platter “Ah! Ow your hurting me! Penny what the fu-“ you were soon cut off by his to clawed fingers “Good little girls should be seen and not heard” his fingers were almost in your throat, you hadn’t a clue what was happening.
“You’ve been such a naughty, filthy little lamb Y/N” he teased before hiking your skirt up higher, his tentacles keeping you tightly in place as his hand slowly lifted behind your rear
“Now, we’re gonna play a little game~” he began, you shook your head at his silly games, but he was having none of it
“your gonna count every time I spank that little ass” he continued “and if you mess up or miss a number, they’re gonna restart and be even harsher…got it?” He hissed, you squealed and tried to squirm out of his grasp
“Ohhhh you wanna play hide and seek? Okay! If hide and I don’t find you in under 2 minutes I won’t punish you! We can doooo whatever you want~” he had crossed his fingers behind his back while saying that. You nodded and took off running, trying to find a hiding place he hasn’t seen yet, meanwhile the clown began to the countdown to your demise
“Shit” you winced
“Fuck fuck fuck!”
You finally found a spot, sliding into it and shutting the door behind you ever so silently, you sunk beneath the piles of sheets and bedding
“10! Ready or not little bunny! Mr wolf is coming to find you hahahah” He cackled maniacally and began searching for you, his boots thudding against the ground in desperation. This was horrifying, he could do anything to you…you could hear doors opening and the disappointed sigh when you weren’t there “Oh my little lamb you are clever..” He then opened the door to your linen cupboard “but not clever enough- oh! Oh fuck where on earth is that little girl?” He slammed the door shut and began walking away…or so you thought
As soon as you heard a door downstairs creak open, you poked your head out and began sneaking back to your bedroom thinking you had won.
You were suddenly pinned to the ground by his clawed glove “You! You are so gullible…you think I couldn’t smell that throbbing, aching slit? Hahaha oh little one, you fell for the oldest trick in the book! You are a fly in my spider web” he giggled maniacally in pure pleasure, before dragging you back to the bedroom, a thread of drool trailing behind and a sinful, sadistic look in his eye.
End of part 1🎈
Lemme know what y’all think and I’ll write the next part!!
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forhappysake · 5 months ago
Fluffy Surprise
Author's Note: Not proofread and the first fic I've written in like six months so read if you dareeee
Summary: Reader decides to give Spencer a present when he returns to their new home.
Warnings: People with cat allergies, beware! (?) Fluff ofc.
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You moved into the new house two weeks ago.  Technically, you moved all your stuff into the new house two weeks ago. In boxes. Lots and lots of heavy boxes.
Spencer had come up with a system, labeling each box with the room it would go into at the new house. You had worked together to pack everything, label each box, and unload the boxes into your new home. 
And it seemed like the moment he set the last box down and you were ready to start setting the place up, his phone rang. 
Spencer had been gone for one week. 
The case was halfway across the country, somewhere in Santa Fe. You couldn’t exactly be mad at him for being gone, but unpacking and trying to organize everything without his input was a nightmare. You were finishing the last box in your shared bedroom, carefully placing his clothes on wooden hangers and organizing them in the closet, when your phone rang. 
Spencer’s name lit up the screen. You answered quickly. 
“Hi, Spence,” you said, plopping down on the freshly made bed.
You could tell how tired he was from the long pause he took before responding. “Hey, honey. How’s the unpacking?” he asked with a small sigh. 
You frowned to yourself, worried about how tired he sounded. “Oh, it’s alright. I’d like you to look through all the rooms when you get home, just to make sure everything is where it should be.” You let out a soft laugh, “I also had a hard time hanging up all the pictures and paintings without you, so we may have to straighten some of them up when you get back.” 
Another pause followed, though this time you could envision him nodding to himself. “We can do that,” he said. “I’m sorry you had to do it all by yourself. I promise I’ll find a way to make it up to you.” 
You rolled your eyes. “It was fine, Spencer. Besides, I’m pretty sure chasing a serial killer or something gives you an excuse.” 
He sighed on the other end of the line. “That’s what I wanted to talk about. We caught the unsub this evening. I’m hoping to be home late this evening, but it probably won’t be until after you go to bed.”
You smiled, content with the thought of him coming home to your freshly decorated home. “Oh, I’ll be staying up. I want to see your reaction to the place.”
“Alright,” he said, clearly too tired to urge you to go to bed instead with a list of facts about the health benefits of a good night’s sleep. 
You sighed. “As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I’ve got about fifteen more boxes to go.” 
“I understand. I should probably get some work done, too. Files, reports, you know how it is,” his voice was barely a whisper now, the exhaustion beginning to get the better of him. 
“Don’t work too hard, Spence,” you cautioned. “I’ll see you tomorrow night. I love you.”
“I won’t. I love you too,” he answered. The end of his line promptly went dead.
You looked around the bedroom, discarding your phone on the bed. You couldn’t help but wonder if there was something you could do to make Spencer’s return home a bit more special. 
You sat up and leaned over, furrowing your brow and resting your head in the palm of your hand as you tried to think of things Spencer liked. Of course, Spencer liked a lot of things. He liked sweet coffee, puzzles, and a classic novel in some foreign language you couldn’t comprehend. 
None of those things were overly special, in your mind. As you sat and wracked your brain, a thought finally came to you. 
One month ago, walking by a local cat cafe, Spencer spotted the most beautiful calico. She had fluffy hair, one black ear, one orange. Her little paws were white and she was so well mannered. Spencer and yourself had gone in immediately and he had spent your time inside doting on the calico, whose name, you learned, was Calypso. 
You bolted up from the bed and out into the living room, finding your purse sitting among the unpacked boxes. You shot out to the car, and without a second thought, drove the ten minutes to the cat cafe. 
You said a silent prayer that the cat was still available as you pulled into a parking space across the street. As if on cue, you looked up to see the same cat lounging lazily in the window sill, green eyes poised on you. 
The adoption process was quick, quicker than you anticipated. Fifty dollars later, you were on the road with Calypso in the passenger seat, sitting demurely in the carrier the shelter had provided you with to take her home in. 
On the way home you had to stop at PetSmart to pick up a litter box, a few toys, and a scratching post with the hope that your new furry friend would not decimate your new furniture. Calypso remained in the carrier, watching quietly from the shopping cart as you agonized over which treats to get. 
Soon enough, you were on your way home. The moment you walked through the front door, you set the carrier down and allowed Calypso to wander free. She was tentative at first, gently sniffing the floor and getting the feel for her new surroundings. However, after ten minutes, she perched herself on the kitchen counter, looking quite like the queen of her own castle. 
You took this chance to open her new toys and scatter them about the house, as well as find a secluded corner for her litterbox.
For the rest of the day, the cat watched you unpack boxes. Beady green eyes noting your movements until you disappeared from her sight. Occasionally, if you left the room for too long, you would turn to find that she had followed you. In these moments, you would stop to offer her a gentle petting and giggle as she flopped down on the floor, furry belly up to the sky. 
It was six hours after his phone call that Spencer arrived at home. 
2:19 a.m. was the time on your watch when you heard the lock turn and rose to greet him at the door. Calypso, seated in the corner of the room on a side table, perked her ears up at the new noise coming from the entrance. 
Spencer locked the door behind him and turned to face you, reaching out and pulling you in for a long hug. 
You rubbed your hands up and down his back. “Are you happy to be home?” you asked, your voice muffled by his shoulder. 
“You have no idea,” he said. He pulled away only to examine the living room. Spencer nodded in approval. “It looks really good in here. You did a great job.”
You smiled warmly, nerves settling in your stomach as you realized he’d not yet noticed the cat in the corner of the room, who was still watching him with suspicious eyes. 
“Spencer, I have to tell you something,” you said, wanting to explain yourself for doing something as impulsive as adopting a cat while he was away. 
His face suddenly became very serious. “What is it? Did something happen while I was gone? Are you alright?” 
The questions came quickly and you shook your head to reassure him. “No, Spencer, it’s nothing bad. Here, come look.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him forward until the two of you were standing behind your couch in the middle of the living room. 
“Look around,” you said. 
Spencer’s tired eyes traversed the room. You watched as they landed on paintings, the television, the clock, and nearly everything but the cat who sat entirely still in the corner. 
“I don’t understand,” he said, brow furrowed. “Did you make some major change I don’t know about? If you did, I’m sure that it’s f-”
At that moment Calypso jumped off the side table. The soft thump that accompanied her landing on the floor was enough to stop Spencer in his tracks. Finally, you watched as the feline caught his eye. 
“You didn’t,” Spencer said, his voice barely above a whisper. His reaction wasn’t telling you much, and you were afraid that he was not pleased. 
You started trying to explain yourself. “Well, I knew that you had a long week. I wanted to do something special. I know how much you enjoyed spending time with her at the cafe and now that we have the space I figured…”
You trailed off. In the time you had spoken, Calypso had crossed the room, climbed the couch, and began butting her head up against Spencer’s hand. Panic was setting in. Why wasn’t he reacting? 
Just when you were about to push him to say something, you looked up to see a large grin plastered on his face. Spencer gently wrapped his arms around the cat and picked her up, holding her close and petting in between her ears. 
“This is the most thoughtful present ever. I love her,” he said. His excitement reminded you of a little child and pulled at your heartstrings in a way that could have made you cry. 
You sighed in relief. “I’m so glad.” 
With Calypso still draped over one arm, Spencer reached out for you, pulling you to his side. He planted a soft kiss on the top of your head. “Thank you so much. I love her. I love you,” he said, smile still evident on his face. 
“I love you too,” you said, turning to face Calypso, who looked all too content to be wrapped up in Spencer’s arms. 
“I think she’s trying to steal my man,” you joked, nudging Spencer on the side. 
Spencer laughed. “I don’t think you have to worry too much about that. My heart has room for two lovely ladies.”
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lowkey very much highkey wish they put the movie versions of some of the songs on the soundtrack even just as lil bonuses bc im obsessed with how the “gooooo” notes just keep stacking and how you can hear when each brother joins in.
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also i know everyone’s been memeing bitty b’s singing voice for it just being JT pitched up but i genuinely like it?? 😭 like yeah ik it sounds a little weird but i genuinely think it sounds like the kid they got to voice bb’s speaking lines and i unironically sing along to the actual song in this pitch just bc it’s easier for me to hit (i can’t sing low lmao) plus i think it adds a nice soprano sound when the boys are all singing together and makes the harmony feel fuller.
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AND HOW DAREEEE THEY NOT PUT SWEET DREAMS ON THE ALBUM???? it scratches my brain sooo well and it’s one of the only songs from the twins that you can loudly and clearly hear veneer’s voice!! like i can hear him in the other songs but he’s singing bass and vel’s so loud that she sometimes drowns him out (not saying i don’t love her voice bc it’s AMAZINGGGG)
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anyway that’s it’s that’s the post i need band together to go ahead and come to streaming for FREE bc i’m insane.
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8resa · 2 years ago
so excited for part 2222222222222222!!!!
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summary: five years ago he left you. left you alone with nothing but memories of your love. so how dare he come back now?
contents: 1.5k words, fem!omaticaya reader, angst, swearing
authors note: AHHHH first chapter i'm so excited to post this guys!! thankuu to all my mooties that helped me brew this series
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Nothing could ever surmount to the despair you felt that day. The day he looked into your weeping eyes, looked right into your aching soul, and told you he was leaving.
Leaving. You begged him to take you with him. Pleaded with his pained expression to let you stay with him. To take you with him. To walk every journey together.
But he didn’t. He shook his head, pursing his lips that have kissed you for the last time. Crossing his arms that embraced you for the last time. He said no. One simple word that crushed your entire self.
“It won’t be safe, I can’t take you from the forest, this is your home.” No. No he was your home! He was your everything. The last face you look at when you say goodnight to the day left behind you. The one you would run to, so you could tell him everything good and bad. The man you imagined your entire life to be with.
That same man who was running from his home, to never return back to you.
You pleaded with him, crashing onto your knees, wrapping your arms around his torso. Crying into him as you begged to accompany him. How could he leave you? How could he have the heart to tear out yours.
“Y/N…let go.” His deep voice ring deep in your ears. You knew he was talking about your physical grip on him. But it felt so much deeper. Let go. Let go of us. Let go of everything we ever were. Let go of me.
You shook your head desperately, hands still clinging to his body. The rough soil beneath you cutting into your knees but no cut would ever be as deep as the one he had laid into your soul.
It was as if the hands he took to pry your frail body off him were the daggers that were slicing up your heart. Leaving wounds so deep they would never heal. How could you ever heal from this?
You looked up at him, tears letting his cheeks dampen, his face showing nothing but grief as he met your hurt eyes.
“I have to go…Y/N you know I have to.” You did. You knew you had no say in this. Your words were insignificant to begin with.
His figure crouched down in front of you. Wiping the salty tears that stained your cheeks. He saw the way your chin quivered as he caressed your beautiful face.
A salty, sweet kiss was the last one you ever shared with him. A kiss you both cried into, gripping onto each other knowing it was the last time. It was bittersweet. To share a moment so close together only to be ripped apart.
All that connected you both was memories. Memories that now serve you nothing but hurt.
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Five years had passed. Five dreadful years.
You were now a 20 year old woman. Adorned with your Hometree bow and the physique of a fit warrior. Though no amount of time could ever heal the cuts he left so deep in you.
For the first year, you were nothing but a shell. Never eating, never sleeping. You simply existed. Which was a chore to do without him.
You wished nothing but to stop existing. To stop experiencing every bit of sadness, every bit of grief. To stop mourning the loss of the only man you could ever love.
Tears were your most worn accessory, no one ever daring to tell you they looked bad. Too scared to send you spiralling even more than you already had.
Though, those times you spent rocking in your hammock. Looking at the stars that lit up the night sky, those cuts that ran deep within you, the cuts that caused so pain. They started to seep.
Started to seep blood red rage.
How could he ever have left you? Was he so selfish to not think of the effect this would have on you? Did he simply not care?
How was the one time he decided to act selfishly be the time wounded the one who loved him most? To be so selfish, to claim he would be keeping you safe.
Safe to what? The sky-people that reigned free through your planet. Constantly on the verge of war to aliens that had no consideration for your people. Just like he had no consideration for your heart.
You wanted to hate him. You wanted to hate him so bad, that every memory of him would fade into a blood red image of evil. That every memory would turn into a disgusting thought of a disgusting man.
You wanted to hate him with every fibre in your body. But you couldn’t.
Maybe that’s when everything stopped looking so blood red. When everything dulled out. Nothing mattered, he would never come back.
So with a tainted heart and an aching soul, you accepted that you would never experience the love of your mate every again. Never feel his touch, hear his voice, smell his scent, taste his kisses. You would never be with him.
That’s were Va’tep entered into your life. Barging into your knocked down walls and building a crappy foundation.
Va’tep, Tarsem’s younger brother. One year your elder. A fierce warrior, a man who refused to lose, a man who claimed what was his. And to him, you were his.
Your parents always longed for status. To be high up in the clan. You were their golden ticket, finding your way into the heart of Toruk Makto’s eldest son. They rejoiced in your heart’s residence, rejoiced in the fact that you fulfilled their one wish. They were your number one advocate. Pushing you to train for your rite of passage ever since you became closer with the boy. They worked every inch of their being towards the union between the pair of you.
But the hard work washed away as fast as the waterfall plunged.
Washing away all your dreams, your happiness, your meaning. It washed away your parent’s status, Va’tep being the life guard that pulls them out of the strong currents.
Nothing could ever amount to him though. Your heart resided with someone else as your body laid with his. You felt yourself fill with shame every time you shared a touch. A shiver of disgust running down your entire body. Breaking the vow of your love towards the boy who broke you.
“Where’s your head at beautiful?” That was what he called you. Beautiful. His voice would never be as sweet as his. Never send the right shivers through you.
Va’tep’s calloused hands caressed your cheek, so rough it felt as if he was dragging you with his touch. Everything he did was rough. Rough like the soil you pleaded on.
Maybe this was Eywa laughing in your face. Giving you a man so opposite to the man you craved so desperately. Even after 5 years, Eywa would never let you forget those memories.
Shrugging his hands off your body, he let out a low hiss. One that showed his offence towards your actions. A hiss so quiet, it would only be heard if you cared. But you didn’t. Something else was clouding your mind, taking your attention away from him. And it wasn’t just your past lover.
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You made your way towards the growing crowd of people that formed around the entrance of Hometree. Va’tep’s calls after you were silenced by the gasps and whispers of your people that were creating confusion that bubbled in your stomach.
Pushing yourself to the front of the crowd, definitely stepping on the feet of others. You looked for the source of the commotion. Ears perking up and eyes squinting to find the one thing people were gawking at.
Though now as you look towards the source, you wish you minded your business. Everything was coming back. Every emotion, every curse, every thought, every tear. They all fell on top of you, crushing your soul as you let out a small whimper in fear.
The source was making its way towards you. No. No. NO. This can’t happen. This cannot be happening. Feet stumbling as you paced backwards, avoiding looking straight ahead.
Dread filled your entire being. Filling it from your toes until it felt as if it would spill out of you, gurgling in the pits of your stomach. No. No. NO.
Crashing into the back of a person, you were forced to halt your escape. Frozen in shock as you looked at the man who had broken your heart and given it back to you.
Lips quivering, tears pooling in your eyes. He reached his hands towards you. How could he come back? Why was he back? This is all some sort of sick dream. A nightmare.
“My beautiful girl.” His voice was deeper, still so sweet it would cause a cavity. It enticed you. You had been without his voice for so long.
So long…because he left you. Because he was cruel and selfish.
Shaking your head profusely, just like you did that dreaded day. Your hands shook as you pointed at him, an accusatory finger aimed at him as your mind swirled.
“I’m here now.” He should have never left, he should have NEVER left. What a sick fuck. To come back expecting open arms when all you wanted was to never have your arms leave him. “Beautiful? What is it?”
“I am not your beautiful, Neteyam.”
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tags: @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate @oceanstar19 @sharkybabe9
thankyou sm for reading lovelies!! reblogs + replies sososososo appreciated ilysm ily ily
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atinyniki · 1 year ago
just kiss me already!
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group: stray kids !
pairing: nonidol!bangchan x f!reader
genre: fluff, angst, suggestive at the end
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, fighting (verbal), 3racha chan (songs unreleased), friends with current skz members, suggestive
authors note: this shit actually sucks but i tried even tho i had no motivation. ill make another chan fic soon to compensate. this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 2858
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“oh my gosh you bitch”
“hey! don’t call me a bitch just because you suck at the game”
you haven’t one a single game against chan since he came over. 
“i don’t wanna play anymore”, you say with a pout.
“awh come onnn don’t be a sore loser”, he smirks. 
it’s not that you don’t wanna play because you’re losing, you just don’t want to play because you both have been at it for four hours.
“let’s watch a show instead!”
“fine, but i’m choosing.”
it’s pretty easy to get chan to do what you want. you’re his weakness, he’ll do anything to make you happy to be honest. you never seem to notice the way he looks at you, or how much he tries to get your attention. 
on the other hand, you absolutely adore chan. not just the way he looked, even though he is incredibly beautiful, but you admire how caring he is. at first it was just minor attraction, but then you got closer and well… you know.
neither of you realize you’ve loved each other for so long.
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“chan? can you come over please? it’s important”
“yeah of course i’m on my way”
within the next two minutes he was in front of your door. “what’s wrong? are you okay?”
you laugh a little when you see the look on his face. “chan i’m fine, i just need help.”
“so you made me run all the way here for nothing?
you drag him to the kitchen and close the door behind you, rolling your eyes. “i never asked you to run here dumbass. you literally live next door”
chan walks into the kitchen and freezes when he sees the state of it. bowls everywhere, flour and batter scattered all over the countertop, and an assortment of cookie cutters placed next to the stan mixer.
“listen, i really need to make two hundred cookies within the next two hours. my oven can’t hold more than twenty four at a time. could you maybe bake like half of them in your oven?”
“why would you need two hundred cookies…?”, he asks incredulously.
“it’s my friends birthday tomorrow. she loves these cookies”
“oh jeez… okay fine. how long do i need to bake them for?”
“twenty six minutes…”
“yes ma’am, ill be on my way then”. he quickly grabs the trays of cookies and gives you a peck on your forehead, lips lingering for a second too long, and runs back to his house. 
you could still feel his lips on you, but you continued swapping out trays in hopes to distract yourself. 
chan didn’t burn a single cookie. your friend loved them.
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“hyung come on! don’t be a wuss”, jisung pouts.
“no jisung. not happening”
“hey well you’re the one that chose dareeee”, 
“fine i’ll just take a shot.”
the entire circle broke out into disappointed groans, but you decided to move on from chan. 
“y/n! truth or dare”
you jerk your head towards lily, “what? who said it’s my turn?!”
“me. now answer”, lily says a matter-of-fact-ly 
“fine. dare”
“you. chan. seven minutes in heaven. right now.”
you look over to chan, silently asking for permission with your eyes despite how nervous you look. you know you don’t have to do anything but… what if he wants to? no. he would never. he doesn’t like you like that.
both of you get up and walk into the room, and changbin quickly turns the lights off and leaves.
“do the lights really have to be off?”
chan walks over to the light switch, hands fumbling to find the knob. he slowly turns it so that the lights are dimmed, but enough so that you both can still see.
chan walks over to the bed, patting the part of the bed next to him and inviting you to sit down. you silently walk towards the bed and sit down, instantly covering yourself with the blanket.
“it’s freezing in here… how does seungmin survive in a room like this?”
“hm… no wonder his personality is always so cold.”
you both laugh a little at chans comment. seungmin has a thing for tormenting chan. subconsciously, you cuddle up to chan, still shivering a bit from the cold.
he seems to get the memo, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. moments of silence pass, and it’s been far too long without a sound for it to not be awkward.
suddenly, chan feels a weight on his shoulder and turns to look at it. you’re sound asleep, he accounts it to either your tipsiness or your exhaustion from working all day. 
he holds your hand for a bit, the warmth of it passing through your whole body and causing you to let out a satisfied hum in your sleep. he grabs his phone to text changbin. 
“y/n fell asleep. we’ll be in here for a while if that’s okay. you can continue without us”
“yeah yeah whatever just say you want to make out with her in peace”
“shut up changbin.“
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the next morning, you wake up in chans bed. your head starts ringing and you think about what happened the night before. you’re slowly starting to become aware of your surroundings, and the snoring coming from beside you. 
“chan. chan wake up”
“chan what happened last night”
“hm?”, he says as he finally peaks his head out of the covers.
his senses slowly come back to him, and his face instantly flushes red, the crimson color kissing his collarbone too. you’re dressed in his shirt that’s far too large for you, with a pair of his shorts on. the shirt reaches all the way down to your mid-thigh, even while sitting down.
you look at him, waiting for him to answer. “chan are you okay?”
“hm? oh yeah sorry. nothing happened don’t worry, you were just tired so i brought you home, but you insisted to stay with me”
your face flushes red, and you realize what you’re wearing. you look down, playing with the hem of the t-shirt you’re wearing. “sorry about the clothes by the way, you just looked really cold so i offered them to you”
oh. so he didn’t dress you. thank god. you don’t think you could have faced him if he did. “thank you channie.”
he smiles at you, ears going slightly red at the tips. he doesn’t want to admit what that nickname does to him, especially in your voice. you quickly get out of bed, telling chan you’ll be back soon. you go to your house to get ready for the day.
no matter how much you douse your face in cold water, the red tint doesn’t seem to fade. 
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“wow chan this is amazing!”
his face goes red as he chuckles, “thank you y/n”
changbin doesn’t fail to notice how shy chan gets around you, but he decides not to talk about it while you’re here. instead, he snickers with jisung in the corner. 
“shut up you two. i know what you’re on about”
the both of them instantly sit up straight, going silent. 
you continue listening to the rest of the tracks, loving every second of it. you give hums and nods of approval, watching the boys’ faces light up every time.
not too long after, the boys left, leaving just you and chan in his studio. you’re humming along to one of the songs he showed you earlier. he couldn’t help but smile, hoping you wouldn’t notice that it made him just a little bit too happy.
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you and chan are sitting on your bed again, watching the new kdrama that just came out. your heart jumped in your chest as you watched the scene intently, the heat of it making your face flush red. 
“damn when is someone gonna kiss me with that much passion”, chan jokes. you couldn’t help but laugh. you two have gotten a lot closer recently, and you’ve found out that chan is really into skinship.
he has you cuddled up with him under the blankets right now, your small arms wrapped around his bicep. you look up at him, just to admire him a little as he focuses on the show. what you didn’t expect though, was for him to turn his face only mere seconds later.
only then do you process just how close you are, how your lips are just inches away from eachother. chan seems to notice this too, his hands fidgeting with his drawstrings. he gives you a small smile, and turns his head back to the movie.
you’re probably being delusional, but you swear something had changed in the way he looked at you. 
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“y/n please, do something. he isn’t listening to us…”
“i’ll be there soon.”
you quickly rush over to chans house, knocking on the door to his studio.
“changbin i said leave me alone.”, chans voice was harsh. youve never heard him sound so aggressive towards anyone, he was normally really sweet. you motion to jisung and changbin to leave the room. 
“i got this, it’s okay”, you whisper to them.
“chan it’s me. please open the door”
the door flies open within seconds, and you take in chans state. his hair is a mess, two dark purple splotches under his eyes. there are energy drinks scattered all over his desk, broken pencils and scattered papers.
“what… happened?
chan began to speak, but you cut him off.
“we’re going to bed. tell me what happened there”
“n-no! let me save my work at least.”
you walk in the studio with him, waiting on the couch as he quickly saved his progress. you both walk out the room, entering his bedroom and settling under the sheets. 
“go to sleep, ill be here when you wake up.”
you try your best to stay up, but you just couldn’t let yourself. sleep takes over your body, eyes becoming heavy and finally fluttering shut for the night.
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you wake the next morning to an unfamiliar warmth. chan has his arms around you, his head buried in your chest. you thought he looked adorable like this, until he looked up at you when he realized you woke up. 
his bloodshot eyes stared back up at you, and you began to process the teardrops staining your hoodie. 
you don’t say anything more. you just pull him closer, rubbing small circles along his back. “i know you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, but you need to let all this out somehow. if you need someone please call me. you know im always right here”
chan doesn’t respond, he didn’t trust his voice enough. his body trembled in your hold, nuzzling his nose into the comforting warmth of your chest.
once he’s calmed down a little, he looks up at you again. you stare at eachother for a good while, just like you did when you watched that movie. there was something different swirling in his eyes, but you just couldn’t place it.
instead of worrying about that, you quickly placed a peck on his forehead, feeling him relax in your hold. he falls back asleep not too long after. he must have been tired.
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you hadn’t felt so alive in months. you knew it was incredibly childish, but you missed having someone to push you on the swings. chans arms pushed you so high you felt like you could touch the stars.
the moon shines so beautifully, covering the park in a light glow. you looked ethereal, that’s what chan thought at least. your bright smile lit up his whole world, your giggle making his heart flutter. the moonlight hit your face just right, your eyes shimmering in the darkness.
chan gradually slowed your swing down, not wanting you to thrash around. 
“done already?”, you say with a pout.
“it’s almost one in the morning, we have to go now”, he pouts back.
you both start walking back from the park, talking about chans plans for the future with 3racha. he seems so passionate about music, his eyes lighting up every time he mentioned changbin and jisung.
you look up at him, smiling a little as how cute he sounded talking about this. he looks down at you, the same unplaceable emotion in his eyes, but you stay there for a little longer.
he smiles at you. you instinctively smile back. his smile puts his adorable dimples on display, and you bring one of your fingers up to poke them. you both break out into a fit of giggles, beginning to walk home again.
time without chan began to feel like time you’ve wasted.
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“i’m not leaving”
“chan please. you need to rest”
“jeez y/n, when did you start being so clingy? the only thing i need right now is to finish this. either stay here and shut up or get the hell out. i can’t have you nagging me, this is really important”
in the three years you’ve known chan, you have never once heard him speak like this. not to you, not to anyone. you held your tears in, making sure to hide them from chan before they fell, and darted out the door. 
you quickly made your way to your house, stupidly forgetting to lock your door in your upset state. you want to yell at him. not to be mean, but just to get it in his damn head that you care about him. you wish he’d just understand.
you clutch your sweatshirt in your hands, the pain in your chest was beginning to get unbearable. you quickly go inside your room and lock the door, flopping onto your bed as sobs rack your body.
not too long after, you hear knocking on your door. 
“y/n?”, you hear chan call out for you.
you make your way to the bedroom door, sliding down onto the floor. you don’t think you’re ready to face him yet. “what do you want”
chan was taken aback by the sharp tone in your voice. he knew it was coming, he just didn’t expect it to hurt so bad. 
“i’m sorry. i know you only meant good and wanted me to be okay but… i just have so much left to do. i’m overwhelmed and scared im not going to be able to get everything done on time and i lashed out at you. i know that’s no excuse to hurt someone you love but i really didn’t mean it. i’m so-“
“chan you’re rambling again”, you pout.
“oh i’m sorry…”
you quickly open the door, helping chan off of the floor. you quickly bring him to your bed and force him to lay down. “sleep. please”
he could tell you’ve almost lost your patience, so he huddles up closer to you and lets sleep overtake his body. “goodnight y/n. thank you”
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today, you wake up to a different sight than usual. normally, chans face is buried in your chest or he’s hugging you from behind. this time was different. he was mere centimeters away from you, nose brushing against yours. 
you quickly shut your eyes, hoping you didn’t go red at just the sight of him.
not too long after, chan wakes and gets ready for the day, coming back into your home to see you already awake. 
you were dressed in a large grey t-shirt. you don’t quite remember where it came from, but it’s incredibly comfortable. 
chan recognizes it instantly. it’s the shirt he gave you the first night you slept over at his house. his heart swelled at the sight, wishing he could see you in his clothes everyday. 
without a second thought, he quickly runs towards you, sitting on the bed right next to you again. he’s looking at you the same way he has been for the past couple months.
this time around though, he does something different. his hand makes his way up to cup your cheek, his big hands swallowing some of your jawline too. 
he slowly moves his face closer to you, now only inches away from your lips. your heart rate quickens, feeling his breath fan over your lips.
“chan, just kiss me already. please.”
he tentatively moves closer, not getting a chance to process before you crash your lips into his. it’s a kiss of pure want and need. “fuck y/n. i’ve been waiting to do this for so long”
“i love you channie”, you whispered breathlessly.
a flip switched inside of him, immediately pushing you down onto your back while he hovered over you. he kisses at your jawline, red marks appearing all over your neck. “i love you so much baby”, he says in between kisses.
you couldn’t hold back your whimpers, the feeling was too much for you to handle. all of a sudden, you heard a loud ringing.
chan picked up his phone, sounding a little aggravated. “hello?”
“chan where are you?”, jisung asked him
“i’m with y/n. we’re watching a movie. why?”
“oh sorry my bad. have-“
he hung up before jisung could finish, eager to get back to you.
“now, where were we?”
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missamyrisa2 · 2 months ago
The year-end tease gauntlet ~<3
Based on notes, these are the top 10 posts from my tumblr this year. It's kind of perfect how they dovetail and I dareeee you to read through it allll~<3 Happy new year darlings. You're all sooo soo beautiful and amazing and I can't wait to tease you allll so much more in 2025.
1~ when a tickler gives the yeahhh that's what I thought smirk ~
2~ You're not ticklish
3~ If you blush easily, you are instantly 100% more tickleable. Sorry I don't make the rules ~
4~ makeout sessions in the middle of a tickle session ~
5~ the tickle session mid care of fixing the ticklee’s hair and fixing their clothes and telling them to breathe and tracing their giggly face while murmuring about their cuteness and how fun they are ~ before tickling them to bits all over again~<3 6~ unbound gang tickling so whenever you gather the strength to try and get away one of them can chuckle tauntingly and “oh oh oh oh where ya going? Where do you think you’re going huh?” and throw your wiggly self back into the pile of wiggling fingers and fluffy tools and buzzy wands~ “we’re not done with you yet cutie pie~”
7~ tickling is so built for the praise kink, like there’s no other physical action that makes you squirmy and bashful and self aware like tickling and it’s three forms of praise rolled into a non-verbal action ~ when I tickle you it’s me saying you’re cute and also it’s me saying I love your body and lastly it’s me expressing how much I love the sounds you make and I want more of it all, I want more of youuuu and I’m going to sip it allll from youuuu ~ and on top of it all, I’m going to relentlessly sayyyyyy thingssss about how you’re my adorable cute gorgeous sweetheart with an irresistible aura that draws me in like a magnet and I can’t not tickle your perfectly sensitive bodyyyy with allll those delectable spots and noisemaker buttons foreverrrrr ~<3
8~ face down with a treatment which is equal measures merciless side tickles, gentle back ticklies, and adoring hairplay~ likeeee justt mmhhh ~ brush and braid my hair then tickle my sides until I can’t speak and then trace designs on my back while I squeak out babbling overloaded nonsense~~<3
9~ Wakey wakey~ You find yourself struggling on the curiously shaped padded white exam table which slopes downward from your head ~ the thick straps keep your arms forward your waist is similarly held snug, your legs are gently spread with enough wiggle room to kick nervously ~ particularly as the hum of machinery starts and viewing panels open from all sides high above. Shadowy figures seen glaring down at your plight are joined by the glowering red lights of observation equipment winking to life all around ~ your protests and squeaks echo around the sanitized room, the humming becomes a buzz as you sense the presence of something heavy and imposing approaching your legs~
You can kick all you like, the machinery can’t be deterred as it deploys padded probes to the backs of your legs and begins stimulating with tickly tingly vibrations. Activity rises in the observation deck and the equipment feeds on your reactions, every noise and twitch and struggle is captured and analyzed ~ you can almost see the line of data pulsing through the equipment as every big reaction causes the machine to recalibrate and further massage on your most sensitive spots behind your knees and up the backs of your thighs ~ annnd up to your tush, humming and stimulating your booty to its satisfaction~
Your squeaks turn to giggles and gasps, the relentless machinery cataloging your body and coaxing it of all the sensitive secrets. You feel spent and worked over, probed and defeated ~ and yettt ~ the treatment is only starting. The machinery surges in energy, the probes attach to the backs of your thighs and tush cheeks in strategic locations. With a gentle push they hold you taut, hold your cheeks gently apart ~ as the machine spools up its routine and the sound of spinning orbital buffers fills the room. Their progress is temporarily delayed by a swarm of mechanical hands, clicking as they flex their fingers and work hurriedly to spray your rear quarters with a cleansing solution. Others follow behind with soft wipes, working away the imperfections. This attention, mechanical or not, puts you into a fury of blush and gasps ~ and it does not go unnoticed.
You glance back and see them approach. Your protests and pleads fall on nonexistent sound receptors. The machine cannot be bargained with. The observers above certainly hear your begs as the soft whirling surfaces are approaching your twitchy sensitive spots, and note each one. Soft motorized fluff invades the curves of your back legs, buffing in lines to maximize your stimulation. Two more join them, deployed at the curves under your buttcheeks. From your vantage point they are a blur of green but you absolutely feel every soft fiber as it is whipped over your skin, barely touching yet drawing out so much sensation ~ and giggles.
With a whine, another piece of equipment deploys. You shriek uselessly seeing the wheel approaching with a buzz. Each spoke sprouts a feather of soft stiffness, and the circle begins turning slowly as it is brought closer and closer between your legs. At first it’s the tiniest breeze, teasing at your honey spot and royal area and edges of your tush cheeks. You think you can handle it, maybe even find it a good distraction from the buffers as they polish around your legs and behind your knees now. But then it grows closer. The breeze becomes a slowly growing itch, a little ember of want. Every feather slides down and caresses between your cheeks, over your hole and downward. That slow path quickly becomes worn in with gigglish sensation~
You get the slightest respite between feathers, but their time tickling at your line of ticklishness grows. The wheel is now slowing slightly each time a feather makes contact, then picks up speed after it passes your royal area. The adjustments are slight but they draw out your ticklish agony so much. The activity above rises. Eyes are stuck to glass, notes are taken rapidly. The equipment is burning hotly trying to consume all your data.
And then the wheel reverses~
You scream out in desperate wanting needing laughs. The feathers caress one after another after another, touching your royal area with the slightest slap before passing you to the next. The kiss at your honeyspot becomes an explosion of tickles. The wheel never stops turning. The buffers taunt and work to engage with skipping motions between each feather touch so that you are constantly passed back and forth from sensations. You want it so badly, you want that release. More buffers add to your desperation, their fluff invading under your toes and along your soles. Your muscles ache, your royal areas throb. Your whimpers only seem to encourage the operators, as you can start to recognize the motions above precipitating another surge of machine activity.
When your mewling overtakes your giggles, the wheel pulls back to give the taunting breeze so the buffers can work around your cheeks and small of your back and even sneak at your hips to make you buck and laugh. When your laughs become high pitched and silly, the orbital discs slow and the wheel engages at full contact to make you moan and giggle and yelp for more.
And more you get ~ as with a flurry of motion in the observation deck followed by what appeared to be a minor debate, the room trembles and through a complex set of mechanical squirms and shrieks, you find yourself flipped over, facing skyward under brightening observation lights. Strapped down tightly, legs gently spread, the wheel soon approaches once more surrounded on all sides by snaking orbital buffers ~ and a burst of newcomers, their intense blue-white lights igniting as they buzz furiously like a swarm of bees. Tiny spotlights illuminate under your arms, around your tummy, in your navel, along your neck, over your chest buttons, on your hip dips, and between your toes. The vibrating tools begin their humming inquisition as if questioning your hot spots with their tips right as the buffers make strides across your longer tickle zones - sides, ribs, arms, legs, and thighs. And that wheel, that wicked wicked wheel, extends its feathers once more and begins the endless caress over your royal area.
You want the ticklecum so bad~
and can only hope it’s on the menu today~
10~ the hottest thing you can do is be irrevocably ticklish
oh hey you’re already doing it
well how about that
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solifloris · 10 months ago
weeping sobbing in the corner !! rooyyyy 😭😭🤍
also <3 dm me any time my beloved <3
pssst <3
you bundle of joy, you!!! interacting with you makes my mornings lmao you're so much fun, i'm always grateful for our little exhanges <3 also, my space to fangirl a little? i mean, i do it practically everyday at this point, but i just think you are one heck of a phenomenal writer, and i think interacting with you has sparked a lot more inspiration in me as a fellow writer !! i appreciate and admire you more than words, and i hope to continue our little interactions both in-server and on the dash <3
you remind me of: the mountain breeze, a fresh breath of air, that crisp, woody scent of pine <3
you're not in my dms (yet? 👁) but your nickname wouldve been: frozen yogurt 💖 (GET IT.... F-ROY-O HAHA.... i'm funny, laugh.)
april's ending ; thanks for helping make my april a blast! 🤍
Oh honey! You're too sweet honestly. I absolutely love interacting with you, you're always so cheerful, and enthusiastic. And there is nothing I find more endearing than natural enthusiasm. I adore working with you to create new exciting events to put Xavier into.
And most importantly I love talking to you as a person. You are so fun to talk to, and laugh with, and just vibe together. As someone who struggles to make friends, and find spaces to be accepted in the Linkon Playground has been so kind.
I'm so grateful to be able to joke around with you. Maybe I will have to slide into those DMs.
And to return the favor, you remind me of: pink rose petals, whipped cream, the warmth of sunlight on an early morning, and blushing cheeks.
Your nickname would be Stardust, because you shine like a goddamn star.
To the next month being even better.
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traceofexistence · 3 months ago
another week another attack on Blank the series from the usual stans
someone on twitter (who thinks blank is bad) made one of those clout chasing posts "opinions about thai GLs" and the usual idiots instead of talking about their favs, found the opportunity to trash on Blank, that they have not watched.
one thing that came out of it, was some new info about a new show that has been announced and there is an age gap, but also it is teacher student relationship and the younger one is 16
and apparently there is no boycott, no trashing, nothing because it's from a love team the usual assholes love
at this point, it is clear as day that most people's problem is not the storyline but the fact that a small studio did a better job than their fav's multi-million studios.
9stars, is the underdog that made it, not only that, they do not follow the industry rules, and yet they succeeded because what they needed was a quality product and they delivered it
also I think a lot of jealousy comes from the fact that Faye, a out and proud queer woman, who previously was not a leading actress, who is 30 years old (I see you ageist little shits) and who was bullied during her MGT competing year, and yet she won, and yet she became a MGT manager etc, and now she made a business choice that gave her her first leading role, at the industry "old" age of 29, how dareeee
when their own girlies are leading actresses already before their GLs and way younger than Faye.
but now Faye is known internationally, she's selling out events instantly, and lives her best life.
while their favs do not.
and I dont touch on Yoko because she doesnt get the shit I mentioned above, as she's only 23 and has been a child actor since she was like 2 or something.
the last audacity I read on the bird app was that every other GL love team, is more attractive, better at acting, better chemistry, than FaYo
which is absurd because FaYo chemistry is off the charts, there is no denying their phenomenal acting abilities as they are both very experienced actors, and I have to really LAUGH that the "everyone else is more attractive" bitch where?
Faye is a literal certified most beautiful in the fucking world, the fuck you are talking about.
and Yoko is cute as fuck!
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you've got to be fucking blind to think they lack in attractiveness LOL
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crazysockseveryday · 9 months ago
Stone gets dared to drink beer in 5 minutes
silllyyy Anyway this was requested by @blazzyistrying ignore how rusty this is, I haven't written anything in ages. -------------------------- It was seven o'clock, on a Tuesday afternoon. Bunch of street rats were hanging out in a pub, bargaining for cheap drinks. three in particular were Vinnie, Skipp, and Stone. And after a few rounds, they were pretty buzzed. Vinnie being the dumbass she was, decided to bother Stone like she always did. "Hey, stonnnnneeee~" she dragged out, poking his shoulder over and over. "What do you want, Vinnie?" the Irish emo asked, looking over his shoulder towards her. "I dare *hic* dare ya to drink a case of beer in five minutes." Her appearance was as rabid as her ideas. "No-" "c'monnnnn, it's a dareeee." "........." Before they knew it, the whole pub was chanting "chug!" at the top of their lungs. Skipp was trying to convince him to stop, though Vinnie was drunkenly screaming encouragement. It was very chaotic. Through hiccups and burps, Stone somehow managed to down each bottle. It wasn't surprising when townsfolk saw two scraps carrying another down the streets and into an alley. Mundane, honestly. ----------------- how to write good chaos no borax no glue Anyways I hope you liked it even if it was short it wouldn't even be enough to get me a grade on my ELA assignments If anyone else has requests, you can put them in my ask box, or if they're really simple, you can put them in the notes of my request rules (pinned post)
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thecynner · 6 months ago
@randybutternubber I DAREEEE YOU!!!!! I'll figure out how to make a time machine and make sure the north wind gets more lore and make it's silly ass appear in TSON!
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